CLCA Benefits, As I See Them
CLCA offers a lot of benefits. Without a doubt, what you pay into your membership in the form of dues is nothing compared to what you can get out of it. I’ve personally realized a lot of benefits which have enabled me to grow in both my personal and professional life.
Here are just some of the CLCA benefits, as I see them:
Access to Legal Forms. When I started out, I did not have a landscape contract; I had one from the office supply store. One day I received a letter from CLCA, inviting me to join, along with a copy of the CLCA landscape contract tailored to landscaping. Today, CLCA offers members access to 13 different landscape construction and maintenance contracts and legal forms.
Learn to Listen and Take Good Notes. I joined my local chapter’s Board of Directors, serving as Secretary. In this position I learned how to take concise notes and prepare minutes. Very valuable skills to have.
Learn How to Turn an Idea into Reality. The next position I served in on the board was as Vice President of Programs. I was responsible for setting up our dinner meetings, including booking speakers and staying within a budget. I learned how to take ideas that the board gave me and organize them into events for our members.
Get Leadership Training. I ultimately served on the board as Chapter President. I was scared to the bone. How could I lead all these landscape contractors that I looked up to? They were big businesses and long-time members. In this role, I learned how to set an agenda, run a meeting, delegate, and oversee the work of the board. I also learned how to achieve goals that the board set.
Learn Organizational Skills. Serving outside my local board, I held the position of Chairman on the Landscape Certification Test (CLT) Committee. The test was a really big event with a $50,000 annual budget. The Chairman was responsible for everything, including managing the applicants, judges, equipment, food, logistics, etc. I had to be organized for this event to be a success.
Get Public Speaking Training. As CLT Chair, I had to give talks about the program to students and other interested parties. My greatest fear in life was speaking in public. Through CLCA, I conquered it. Now I can talk with ease in public settings.
Gain Confidence. I entered my chapter Beautification Awards. Winning a landscaping award for a project you built is valuable beyond belief. Not only can you brag on yourself to your customers and potential customers, but you get a confidence in knowing that you are as good as the other guys… if not better.
Get Recognition. I entered the state Trophy Awards. Not only did I win… I won the Sweepstakes Award! Winning this highest honor was truly amazing. Having your project recognized with an award when competing against contractors throughout the whole state of California makes you so proud of yourself, your people, and your company.
Receive Accolades from Your Peers. Without CLCA, you probably will never be recognized or honored in the business, and you can live without it. But once you are voted into CLCA’s version of the Hall of Fame by your peers, there’s nothing like it. When I received the Allegiance Award for an outstanding lifetime of making a difference in the industry, I was truly honored.
Build Friendships. Before joining CLCA, my competitors were a mystery. Definitely not people I would reach out to and associate with. Since joining CLCA, I realized my competitors are very much like me. And the more I associated with them, the friendlier they got. When you work side by side with a competitor, you may become friends. I will tell you right now, you cannot have too many friends in high places! You may have a parent, an in-law, or a friend to talk to about your business with, but do they even know what you are talking about?
Access to Reference Materials. CLCA offers resources and reference materials for you to use in your business. Among the most popular are the Landscape Book of Standards and the Landscape Data Manual.
Travel Opportunities. Been out of the neighborhood lately? CLCA offers an annual convention in mid-fall and a Leadership Conference in mid-winter. While the Leadership Conference is typically held in Northern California each year, the annual Convention moves around. In 2021, CLCA went to Hawaii! You can write off some or all of your expenses traveling to these events. I never would have traveled as much as I have without CLCA.
Insurance. Did you know that CLCA has its own insurance provider? CLCA Insurance Solutions is wholly owned by the association and offers customized coverage for CLCA members to help control their bottom-line insurance costs.
Expert Advice. CLCA offers its members two expert advice hotlines. CLCA’s attorney on retainer and HR hotline, powered by the California Employers Association, are both just a phone call away.
Opportunities to Serve. As you can see, if you like to volunteer and give back, CLCA offers several ways that you can.
Bottom line is this: You get out of your membership what you put into it. Some companies are members for years, never participate, and get nothing out of CLCA except their name on the membership roster. Let CLCA give you the chance to be the great self you know you are. Next time you are asked to help out, say yes. You won’t regret it.
~Henry Buder, Henry Buder’s Landscape Restoration