As we welcome 2025, it’s the perfect time to set resolutions not just for personal growth, but also for business success. It’s important to plan ahead, stay organized, and continuously improve. Here are a few New Year’s resolutions to consider that will help your business thrive in the year ahead.
Read MoreAs 2024 winds down, it’s hard to believe how quickly the year has passed. Reflecting on the past months, we’ve had some good times and fun events. We look forward to more great activities in the new year.
Read MoreAs the end of the year quickly approaches, those of us in the landscape industry find ourselves at a natural juncture for reflection. The seasonal cycle is coming to an end, and it’s time to look back on the months of hard work, challenges, triumphs, and growth.
Read MoreWell, another awards season has come and gone. While attendance at the banquet was not what it used to be pre-COVID, we still had a room full of quality contractors and green industry friends. It was good to see the strength of our sponsors, get to meet new people, and mingle with old friends.
Read MoreSince its inception, the CLCA has grown to offer so much more than just advocacy. It provides contractor members with business resources that include an attorney on retainer, human resource hotline, legal contracts and forms, lien paperwork, employee handbooks, and more. CLCA also offers opportunities for business development through education and networking by way of the annual convention, local and state trophy awards programs, and educational offerings. These opportunities would not be possible without the support of member volunteers.
Read MoreAugust is a busy time of year for business – especially small business – more specifically a landscape business. The heat is getting to the plants, the days are hot and long for the work force, and customers want their stuff repaired, fixed, or completed ASAP! I don’t know about you, but the stress and workloads seem to peak for me right about now. If you don’t delegate, you overload yourself. Being overloaded leads to inefficiency. That’s where stress steps in, and often takes over.
Read MoreEntries for the 2024 Chapter Beautification Awards have been received and assessed for recognition. If your company didn’t enter, you missed out on a great opportunity to promote your business. Promotion comes in different forms. Some common forms include website and social media, magazine advertising, direct mailers, and vehicle graphics. However, if you truly want to be different. If you really want to stand apart from your competition, you need something else. Something unique.
Read MoreDave Horton, 2024 OC Chapter President and owner of multi award-winning landscape company So Cal Concepts, has been in the industry for many years and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the board. We hope that in getting to know him, you will see the many benefits of CLCA and be encouraged to get more involved.
Read MoreAll large companies plan for the future, but most small companies don’t. I am not necessarily referring to an exit strategy either. I am talking about planning for company growth.
Read MoreIt’s awards season! Time to get those jobs picked out and spruced up, ready for judging. I look forward to this time of year. It forces me to evaluate my own work. To take stock in what I have been working on for the last year or so. Have I truly been doing a good job? Is my work going to be competitive against other companies? Entering the awards competition will tell.
Read MoreAt the first whiff of Pink Jasmine, you know that spring is here. I always look forward to that smell. It reminds me that it’s time to get the boat ready and my company prepped for the big push.
Read MoreThe year is off to a fast start and we’re not slowing down. We’ve already had our kickoff meeting and first educational event of the year. If you didn’t make it to our February 15 Lunch and Learn at Ewing Outdoor Supply, you missed a great one. Attendees learned about soil type and how it impacts the drip design, how to properly design a system for correct pressure and flow, how to design for slopes and change of elevation, and how to fertilize with a drip system. Thank you to Netafim reps Allister Cooney, Bill Milward, and Carlos Lemos. The information they provided was invaluable!
Read MoreHere we are, embarking on another year with lots of optimism, hope, and dreams. Many I know are setting new year’s resolutions this time of year. I like to set goals. Goal setting plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of my business and helps me reach my dreams. They provide a clear direction for my business and help me define what I want to achieve.
Read MoreDecember marks the end of another year. Time sure flies when you’re busy in your business and personal life. As I prepare to close out the year, I like to reflect on what was accomplished. What worked and didn’t work. Which employees did their job and stood out. Which ones didn’t. I look at what I can do to improve my leadership and the leadership of my supervisors.
Read MoreI can’t believe it’s already November and Thanksgiving time. Before I get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I like to reflect on the many blessings in my life.
This year I am especially thankful for FAMILY. I have been blessed with family connections in both my personal and business parts of life and they all mean a lot to me.
Read MoreAfter this year’s awards banquet, I was approached by several people thanking me for donating my time to the CLCA. It caught me a little off guard. I had never really thought of it as a donation of time. Yes, it adds to my workload but, for the most part, giving back has just become part of my normal professional routine.
Read MoreFor the last year I have struggled to find quality employees. Experienced ones are even harder to find. With unemployment at one of its lowest levels ever, there just doesn’t seem to be much to pick from.
Being understaffed can sometimes make you feel desperate to hire just about anybody. This past spring, I was doing just that. During my last round of hiring though, I realized that by not hiring the right people, I was dropping my company standards. I felt like I was settling and that really bothered me. When it comes to employees and business, I have always lived by the saying, “The tail doesn’t wag the dog.”
Read MoreEven though it’s not the end of my term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my board who work to ensure our chapter and its events are successful. The success of our chapter is a group effort, spearheaded by people who tirelessly give of their spare time for the betterment of our association; time that is in addition to performing their job duties and family time. Without these types of people, who somehow find time to volunteer, there would be no community or professional boards, fundraisers, or volunteer coaches. It just goes to show that if you want to make a difference, “you will make it happen.”
Read MoreIn looking back at the nearly forty years I’ve worked in the landscape industry, I was thinking about what has kept me going and in business. My wife has played a huge part. She has put up with the ups and downs and has given me the strength and encouragement to keep pushing forward. I’ve also been fortunate to have some great mentors. The one thing that really stands out to me, that I keep coming back to, is the CLCA. While I don’t utilize all the benefits of my membership – there are a lot of them – I feel that I have gotten what I needed over the years. CLCA has supported me, motivated me, connected me, educated me, and helped grow me. Keeping me in the game all these years later.
Read MoreBeing a member of CLCA is great but, to truly reap the benefits of membership in a professional association, you need to be involved.
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