There’s No “I” in Team
Even though it’s not the end of my term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my board who work to ensure our chapter and its events are successful. The success of our chapter is a group effort, spearheaded by people who tirelessly give of their spare time for the betterment of our association; time that is in addition to performing their job duties and family time. Without these types of people, who somehow find time to volunteer, there would be no community or professional boards, fundraisers, or volunteer coaches. It just goes to show that if you want to make a difference, “you will make it happen.”
To give a little insight into the processes that take place as a volunteer on the board or a committee, here is a breakdown of how it typically works. Planning of the year’s events begins at the annual planning meeting held in October of the prior year. This is when future board members and interested “difference makers” get together and throw out ideas for the upcoming year. All voices are heard and opinions listened to.
In January, at the first official board meeting, part of the agenda is to discuss who will chair the various events throughout the year. These committee chairs will then form their own sub-committee, establish a budget, and start the coordination of the event. The year progresses from there with everyone doing their part, while also supporting their fellow volunteers when necessary. Each and every volunteer is integral to the success of the whole.
These volunteers also deserve a big thanks for their tireless support of each other. Not only do they manage their own volunteer responsibilities, but they are always ready and willing to help out a team member when needed and are present at events to show their support. What a great team!
As you can see, the success of the chapter is dependent on the time and effort invested by many individuals; no four or five people can do it alone. I hope you’ll consider joining our team in 2024. We have our planning meeting coming up this October and we would love to have you there. Reach out to me for more information. Join us and learn what we’re all about.
~Sincerely, Dave, 2023 CLCA OC Chapter President