Volunteers: The Lifeblood of CLCA

The California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) was formed back in 1952 to help protect the landscape contractor’s license. Most other trades wanted to limit the scope of work that the C27 licensed contractor could do. CLCA has worked arduously over the years to protect our license and more. Their advocacy efforts on our behalf go beyond just protecting our license. They also include the issues of immigration, occupational safety & health, public contracts, wages, water use, worker’s comp, and more. In each two-year legislative session over 2,500 bills are introduced for consideration. CLCA reads them, flags them and tracks them as they continue to advocate for us, the landscape contractors.

Since its inception, the CLCA has grown to offer so much more than just advocacy. It provides contractor members with business resources that include an attorney on retainer, human resource hotline, legal contracts and forms, lien paperwork, employee handbooks, and more. CLCA also offers opportunities for business development through education and networking by way of the annual convention, local and state trophy awards programs, and educational offerings. These opportunities would not be possible without the support of member volunteers.

I am bringing this to your attention because I feel we have lost track of how much has been done by our predecessors and the significance of this association. It is our job now to not only sustain the work that has been done, but to work on improving it into the future. Just like everything else in our world, nothing stands still and nothing is forever.

Throughout the state, the association is struggling for volunteers. We are short-handed on people to carry the torch forward. The state is broken into regional chapters. Our Orange County Chapter has always been a large chapter because of location and population. Unfortunately, we have slowly been losing members and board members over the last five years. I’m not quite sure what is driving this trend, but here are a few guesses.

1: People are busy and have their own lives to manage.

2: Business is tough and expensive, leaving no time to volunteer.

3: People don’t see the need or value in the CLCA.

Unfortunately, if we don’t find the time and need to support the CLCA through volunteering, here is what could happen:

1: Our license category will get dismantled.

2: Insurance costs will go up.

3: We will not have a team at the capitol as our voice, protecting us against harmful rules and regulations.

4: We will not have training programs and awards programs to help differentiate us from other landscape contractors.

While some of you may think this is no big deal, it will become one. California as a whole is very restrictive and heavily taxed. If you are ok with this trajectory, good for you. It will continue to drive the cost of business up until you don’t have one.

My hope is that some of you still want to be a part of something greater than yourself. That you want to preserve the CLCA for future landscape contractors. Because without us, the future is grim and it won’t be nearly as green.

Our OC Chapter is currently looking for volunteers. We need help with events like our annual Golf Tournament and Beautification Awards. These are short-term commitments and you can specify what you would like to participate in and how much time you can give. If you can handle a one-year commitment, please consider joining the board. There are multiple positions available, and they all come with training and the support of your fellow board members. Please reach out to me with questions or to see how you can help. We have our 2025 Planning Meeting coming up on October 24. Plan to join us and see what being involved looks like. Stop by for an hour or all day. We will have coffee and pastries in the morning and lunch midday. I hope to see you there.

~ Dave Horton, 2024 CLCA OC Chapter President

Bronwyn Miller