Work-Life Balance in Action
I am excited to announce that my wife and I recently welcomed our baby. The last several weeks have been a little rough because we had a complicated labor. I am thankful to my OC team for holding down the fort while I handle my personal business. At the end of the day, it is an exciting and exhausting time for my wife and me. I truly give thanks to God for such a blessing.
Times like these are when it is so important to have a work-life balance. While this is the first child for my wife, it is the second for me. The first time I had a child, I was young and in the military. I didn’t have enough time-off accrued and had to return to work a week or so after my first son was born. I then deployed a few months later. I missed the bonding moments with him that I wish I’d had. Having control over the balance of my work and life this time around, I am prioritizing this very important bonding time with my newborn son.
It’s crazy to think that I’m a father to a newborn and a teenager. I’m learning first-hand how to manage different people and their personalities. In the workplace, we find ourselves faced with managing different personalities as well. Everyone is different and brings their own unique personality to the situation. As leaders, we must learn to help these different personalities work together to achieve a common goal.
Speaking of working together, your OC board has been hard at work putting on great events. We had our golf tournament last month, which many participated in. Huge shot out to all who helped make this event happen and also to our hole sponsors. Coming up, we have our Beautification Awards banquet on September 17 at Mission Viejo Country Club. I hope that you’ll plan to attend! We want to continue to offer amazing events for our members. If you have suggestions on how we can improve, please let us know. We welcome your feedback!
~Sincerely, Sal, 2022 CLCA OC Chapter President