2022: An Eventful Year
This has been an eventful year for my family, my team, and our industry. So much has happened and I can’t believe how fast the year has gone by.
Our baby is now 6 months old and is starting to develop his own personality. He loves the water and is doing magnificent at swimming. Woohoo! My future little surfer dude. My oldest son just turned 17, recently got his driver’s license, and has been applying to different colleges. The future looks bright for both of my boys!
My company recently had our end of year budget and forecasting meeting. I have to say, our numbers looked great with regard to revenue, but not so great with regard to profit margins... the most important. I think my company took a hit while I was on paternity leave. No matter the reason, I have to make adjustments to our processes and procedures and look for ways to potentially cut back on some expenses. I shoot for 20% profit margins and never bid lower than 5%. I need to stay vigilant and make sure we are hitting those margins.
While our profit margins took a hit in 2022, our workmanship did not. I’m excited to report that my company took home a few awards in this year’s Trophy Awards, held at CLCA’s Convention in Indian Wells last month. The competition was steep, with a lot of projects entered from throughout the state. I am really proud of my team who worked cohesively to make this happen. Find photos from the annual convention inside this magazine on pages 6-7.
On the heels of celebrating the successes within my company, I learned that our industry lost another leader, Richard Daigle. Richard was an innovator in our industry. He founded Irrigator Tech and the Green Industry Hall of Fame, among other achievements, and was past CLCA Inland Empire Chapter President. There will be a celebration of life for Richard on January 14, 2023, at 2 p.m. at the Jurupa Mountain Discovery Center. All who are interested in attending are welcome.
Lastly, this is my final President’s Message. I would like to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve as your Chapter President the last couple of years. It has been an amazing ride. I learned so much. Leading other leaders is not an easy thing to do. It is very humbling! I am keen to pass on the baton to someone who is a great asset to our industry, Dave Horton. Dave will do great things with the chapter in 2023. You’re in good hands! If you ever need me for anything, feel free to reach out. I am happy to still be at your service.
~Sincerely, Sal, 2022 CLCA OC Chapter President