New Year, New Opportunities to Get Involved
I have served on the OC Board for the last 16 years in multiple positions ranging from Beautification Awards Committee Chair to VP of Events, to President (both in 2015 and again now). I have also been involved on the Golf Committee and was instrumental in setting up an event with Habitat For Humanity.
While writing this month’s message and thinking through some of the things I have done with CLCA, I’m reminded of everything I have learned over the years and how much I have grown as a business owner.
Through CLCA, I have
• received leadership training
• attended educational seminars on topics like management, human resources, tax and insurance, how to grow your company and many more
• had one-on-one conversations with industry-leading business owners
• seen firsthand how some of our top business leaders run their companies, including how they on-board new employees, incentivize and promote workers, and how this leads to higher employee retention
All of this has been made possible by being involved in CLCA and attending events. As with most things in life, you get out of it what you put in. The more involved you are, the more benefits you will reap.
I encourage you to make it a new year goal to attend our events. Broaden your business skills and learn from other contractors. Introduce yourself to me and I will introduce you to the people I know. Let me help you grow your network! You have my personal invitation.
~Sincerely, Dave, 2023 CLCA OC Chapter President