The Cream Rises to the Top
As we wander through the results of our recent political elections, I am happy to report that we have a new leadership cabinet in the coming year. Starting January 2021, in our OC chapter we will have:
• A new president, Sal Hernandez, who is ready to take our chapter to the next level by utilizing our social media outlets and opportunities to increase our business bottom lines and educate those who are not members of our premier association to consider joining our ranks. We are blessed to also have Sal on board to become our state membership chair for the coming year so his visions and the vision of so many more younger contractor members joining our association can be realized.
• An educational VP, Roland Zamora, who is coming back to be at the helm reassuring our chapter members that they will be able to obtain the latest and best educational opportunities to build their businesses. Roland is also slated to become our new incoming state education chair, so stay tuned for dynamic new programs coming down the pike.
• A treasurer, Steve Beckstrom, who is coming back to help keep our books clean and in order.
• A secretary, Judy Rose, who is back to keep our board members and members at large abreast of the goings-on of our chapter, and keep our chapter in conformance with state CLCA guidelines.
• A legislation VP, Dave Norred, who is coming back to keep our members informed on what is going on in Sacramento and how it will affect our members.
• A new events VP, Candice Yarbrough, who will help coordinate some fantastic events.
• A new associate member rep, Bill Deeble, who will keep us in tune with our associate members, introduce our contractor members to new associate members, and encourage us to support our current associate member stars.
• A new membership VP, Nathan De Guzman, who will work to build and engage our chapter membership.
• A web and magazine guru, Bronwyn Miller, who is back, keeping us informed and up-to-date on everything. (How do you like that new fresh look on our chapter website?)
• Some of our director alumni will come back on the team roster and some will scale back their duties on the board.
I look forward to us coming out of this “COVID funk” and moving to more socially-responsible events. We have a great convention coming up next November in Maui, Hawaii, God willing.
As for me, your current president, I will be around as cheer leader and supporter of my team of winners. I’m so proud of my team and how they have opened up my eyes to being more flexible and how to be patient with other members.
It takes commitment, passion, and integrity to rise up and first choose to be a follower and eventually a leader in any chosen field. Your own company teams are an example of this. You have people on your staff that are on time every day and ready to get on with the job no matter how challenging it may be.
You also have associate member team members that believe in their products and services and are ready, rolling, and waiting to explain the values and virtues of using their products in your company’s success toolbox.
You have industry leaders that have “been there, done that” in our local chapter and throughout the state that are willing to help you navigate your business and avoid the logs floating out there in the sea of life as a C27 landscape contractor.
These are all great examples of the leadership we need, and I invite you to take the leap of faith and join our ranks and be a part of the cream that rises to the top.
See you on the trails. ~Ed, OC Chapter President
My PMA book of the month is The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale.