Passing the Baton / Passing the Torch

In track and field events, there is one type of event that relies on the runners on that team to fulfill their job and not let the rest of the team down. That event is relay running. Whether it is the 440-yard, 880-yard, or mile relay, the proper passing on of the runners’ baton to the next runner is the most important task that must be performed well.

Timing and coordination are key factors in the successful hand-off of the baton. Not dropping the baton is one of the most important responsibilities the runner will have. To have everyone in sync and doing their best during their leg of the run brings success to the team.

Our OC chapter is ready to pass on the baton to a new team leader and team runners. Our chapter board for 2021 is solid and ready to get the race underway. They will provide our chapter with the best information, educational opportunities, and CLCA chapter support to help all our chapter members achieve their personal and business goals.

Passing on the torch is a very honorable thing to do also. It involves pride, commitment, and respect for those who have come before and after you. It shows the desire to pass on the flame of hope, inspiration, and commitment to our industry and contractor association to others.

By keeping the torch lit and passing it on successfully to another to carry, that torch can continue to light the way for others who desire to compete. It can honor those who have lit the way before us. In passing the torch, we are doing our best to make our world a better place for all those we touch with our skills, love, and respect for our fellow man and for our environment.

Thank you to our OC chapter members and OC chapter board for supporting me and being there to provide opportunities for all in our green industry. And thank you for helping me be able to successfully pass on the baton and torch of our chapter to our new chapter leaders.

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to you all! I for one am looking forward to a great new year ahead with our new team leaders and runners who will be ready when their time comes to successfully pass the baton on to fellow chapter runners and pass the torch on to keep the trail blazed and the future bright.

As always, I’ll see you on the trails of life.

Respectfully, Edward L. Wallace, Your Ole OC Chapter Pres.

Bronwyn Miller