2021: A Year for New Beginnings

2020 was a challenging year, full of change. Most noticeable was the change to our social dynamic and means of networking. Though challenging, it created many opportunities to adapt and try new things. Personally, I picked up surfing. It is an amazing sport, full of energy and joy. If you were impacted by COVID, do not lose hope. Reach out and stay connected in 2021. We are all here to encourage one another and do our best to stay optimistic during these times.

Let us run into 2021 with a fresh start and new beginning. Your CLCA OC chapter board has been hard at work to continue to add value to your membership and support you through these challenging times. Some of the ways we are doing this is by:

∙ putting together a promo video to promote on Instagram that will target homeowners. If you want to get involved and be a part of this, feel free to reach out!

∙ working on increasing our membership through improved virtual education and social media campaigns.

∙ driving more traffic and awareness to our association through a recently updated website. Check it out at www.clca-orangecounty.org!

As for events, we are looking forward to our kickoff event on February 24. While it will need to be virtual, our VP of Events is working hard to make it a fun and engaging way to kickoff the year. Keep on the lookout for more details.

We also plan to have a Golf Tournament and are working on the return of a Beautification Awards program.

Lastly, please consider becoming an OC Champion. It is a great way to support the chapter and pre-pay for your participation throughout the year.

Let’s embrace 2021 with the mission to be more engaged with one another. Please reach out to me or any of the board members with your input and ideas.

I look forward to seeing all of you as we begin the 2021 year. ~ Sal Hernandez, 2021 CLCA OC President

For those of you who like to read, I recommend the book Tax Free Wealth by Tom Wheelwright.

Bronwyn Miller